Monday, July 6, 2009


I have noticed an interesting phenomenon when I tell people about our trip. Those who have been on a missions trip themselves get this knowing look in their eyes and a radiant smile on their faces. "Oh, your life will never be the same. God will reveal Himself to you in a whole new way. I am SO happy for you!" Every person. Every time. Like members of a group who know something that I have not yet learned.
Interesting. Intriguing.
In just a few hours, I will be joining that "Not So Secret" Society of Christ Followers who have been on one of these things we call a missions trip, with the sole purpose of glorifying God while serving others. Usually away from home. There are so many thoughts swirling through my mind and heart. I feel like I am entering the unknown. A country, a people, a team that I am unfamiliar with. The children...I cannot wait to see them...who does God have planned for us to meet? To love on?
I hope my life will be changed. I hope that I will look more like Jesus on the other side of this trip. I hope that I will be more loving. More kind. More thankful. More caring. Less needy. Less pre-occupied with "mine".
I will not be surprised to learn something new about God. After more than 30 years as a Christ Follower, He still takes my breath away. Still has me in awe.
Like Vicki voiced...thank you for getting us here. Thank you for promised prayers. Thanks for loving and believing in us!
Love you! Kathy


  1. I'll be praying for you daily...and I know your blessings will be many!
    Love you!

  2. OH! i am so proud of ya'll! you're gonna have a blast!

  3. Ladies,
    I just found your blog... I don't know any of you - but I just read your posts... and I'm crazy about ya! I am hoping to do this very trip next year with one of my older daughters. I am going to Guatemala with Buckner's Shoes for Orphan Souls in September. I am not traveling with anyone I know - so it will be way out of my box :) We adopted a daughter from China 2 years ago, and ever since, our hearts are broken for the cause of orphans... I am praying for you all rigt now - and will continue to do so - like it's my job!
    I am so thankful to follow your journey.
    In Christ's love ... and SO ready to join the Chirst followers who go on a mission trip,

  4. have a great time!! See God in everything!

  5. I have no idea why your blog popped up in my "Google Alerts" about Guatemala, but we are missionaries here in Guate City, and I will be so excited to hear how your life was changed this week! I'm not sure who you will be working with, but I saw that you'll have a pretty busy time! I pray that God will reaveal himself in ways to all of you that you never would have imagined!!!!

    Blessings to all of you!

  6. Kathy,
    I know that God will bless you, Rachel,and the rest of your team as well as those whose lives you will touch! you will be in my prayers daily! Much love, Pam

  7. You already have followers! Just like Twitter! LOL Isn't it cool to see that the Lord has directed people that you don't even know to your blog? We will pray for your team everyday, you are all in our thoughts and most especially in our prayers to the Lord who never slumbers or sleeps! Love you all!
    Shelley Van Houten

  8. Hi Kathy
    I'll be praying for you and Rachel and the rest of your team. I was excited to get your email, although I was late in checking my inbox. so I got to view this blog only now.

    Hope to get an update on your first day.

