Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 4

Today we got an early start, headed to Antigua for shopping and lunch. The city is beyond beautiful! First we drove up to a lookout point with a breathtaking view over the city of Antigua, including three volcanos in the background. One of the volcanos even erupted a bit of gray smoke!

Then we had lunch and went to the girls home to visit with 90 girls, aged 13-18.
Each day has new and different challenges. These girls are starved for love and attention.
Some have visitors, most do not. One girl was broken hearted because a visit that had been scheduled for Sunday had been cancelled and nobody was coming to see her. The poor girl was sobbing for most of the time we were there.

This home had a small group of special needs girls as well, which were precious and did their best to participate and love on their visitors. Some of the special needs girls have babies of their own. I dont know how long the babies stay at the home with their mothers.

The rest were divided up and we prepared to do the crafts and activites, VBS as we had at the other locations. One challenge was that these girls are older, and even rougher, tougher than those we met at the other facilities. But, we could see the same hope and need for love and hugs, for friends and acceptance. Many times, the girls over ran the activities- demanding the gifts or supplies we had set out for the day. There was a lot of hoarding- hiding items in pockets, and asking for more, as if none had been given, which is very common for children who have nothing of their own.

Some of these girls have babies of their own - this was really difficult to see - they could not participate in the activites unless we held the babies, so they could have time to be kids themselves. (of course I volunteered)

These events are both exhilarating and exhausting. Almost all of them end with both kids and missionaries in tears. All I know is that the eye to eye contact, the hugs and kisses, the smiles and efforts to speak one anothers language has to make a difference to all of us.

Someone said this feels like 'hit and run' relationships with these kids, and its true. This much I know is also true: A little bit of Jesus goes a longer way than anything else we have to offer - and His return on investment is eternal.
Love, Vicki
PS Angie may post some of todays pics later

1 comment:

  1. I am so moved by the love you are all showing and the impact it will make on these precious lives. My heart aches for these precious ones who are starved for love. I pray for you all daily.
