Monday, July 13, 2009


by Amy Holland

Well I'm home now. I can't believe it's over but I'm so happy to see my family. What an amazing trip, and I'm not sure I can even describe it in words. It was so full of emotion, so many happy moments, sad moments, joyous times, and times of despair. One of the women said in our last devotional time, she needs to wait for God to hem her up, and that's a great way to explain it.

For me it was about a little girl named Kimberly, around 3 years old, who climbed up in my lap and had nothing but smiles. She held her big bird doll and would giggle and just about everything I did :)

It was about a little girl named Diana that seemed painfully shy. Watching my mom spend time with her, warm up to her, take the time with her, and eventually make her smile and laugh.

It was about a 15 year old girl named Marisela who immediately wanted to be with me during the VBS time, who was smart, outgoing, and funny. A girl who had such a great spirit. A girl I wish I could have spent more time with.

It was about girl named Greiysi who lives in a very rough place, but still seemed to have some happiness. I pray that she finds a way out of there, a road to hope.

It was about the faces, the faces that are burned into my mind and heart. The faces I will pray for without ceasing.

It was about a little church in a small community, about the faithful people that come, some a long distance, to be there. Their pastor and his love for those people, and worshipping God in song side by side with them.

It was about girls, girls that had been pulled out of the system and taken to a transitional home funded by Buckner. Girls who were so amazing and were going to have the hope of a brighter future.

It was about two girls I've watched grow up most of their lives, and seeing them step out of their comfort zone. Seeing them do things that were sometimes uncomfortable. About seeing God's love expressed through them for all of these children and people. What a blessing! Thank you to them for being willing to allow God to use them.

It was about my sisters, who ventured out in faith to take this journey. About already having a love for them that ran so deep, yet somehow we found a way to go deeper through this journey.

It was also to remember the two that were saved, the two little one's who live in my house. The two that God brought to me out of a similar environment. Thank you God for my children!

Thank you to Craig and my Dad for holding down the fort to make this trip possible for me.

Thank you to all of those who donated toward helping make this trip possible for me. Thank you to those who donated the items I was able to take with me. You should know that the people were so greatful to receive them!

Thank you to my Mom, for sharing this experience with me. It was such a blessing to be able to go on this trip with you, and I'm so happy we were able to do it together! I love you very much!!

Thank you most to God. For giving me all I have, help me to never take it for granted. Thank you for using me on this trip. Please help me never to forget this experience, and to always remember to lift up these children to you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for sharing this amazing trip. May God bless each of you over and above any thing your could imagine!
